Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Twins a Day Away from Two Months

Man, where has the time gone... I couldn't have asked for healthier baby boys, it seems almost unheard of for twins to not have any complications. Anyone who has had twins knows that they are quite the handful, especially if the SAH route is chosen. It isn't impossible to have twins and be a SAHM or SAHD, but it definitely pushes you to your limits. I guess I'll do a little bit of a cap review of the last two months (since this is the first time I've gotten to sit and focus for more than 5 minutes since they were born).

I hope anyone with twins realizes that twins do what they want to, without regards to their sibling. If baby A wants to sleep he will, while baby B will want cuddles and food. The trick is to try and juggle them so that only one at max is crying.

I am so grateful my boys like their pacifiers! I use MAM pacifiers and they work perfectly for their tiny mouths. Many a time a pacifier has helped with a car ride or just their need to suck something to be soothed into sleep. By the way, for a baby who is a teething, a frozen pacifier can work wonders (until it gets warm that is, just hope the baby is asleep for that happens).

Diapers... I feel like I could be buried alive by the amount of diapers that I have personally changed, and there's probably another grave that could be filled for my husband. ;) In all seriousness though, there are a lot of diapers. I use disposable, and I definitely think that my husband and I will be sticking to name brand diapers, the off brands just don't seem to work very well, and when a diaper doesn't work very well, it just gets frustrating.

Ok, the adorable factor! Babies can be quite cute when they're not screaming their heads off. See, cute right?

This little cutie is Aiden. :) Right after a bath.
This little cutie is Caleb, he definitely has more facial expressions, or more grand facial expressions than bro.

I'll have to do a post soon on feeding and sleeping and the works, 'cause the baby in my arms (Caleb) is starting to get fussy and I need to wrap this up anyway.

All in the life of being a SAHM (times two!)! :D

1 comment:

  1. Sweet faces! And I love the "grave of diapers" analogy haha!

