Thursday, September 18, 2014


So, my babies aren't even 7 weeks old yet (that glorious day is tomorrow), and I'm pretty sure they're both teething. One of them has had some white spots where the molars are for at least a week now, but it doesn't feel sharp to touch. Granted they might not have broken the skin yet but... Pretty sure he's teething because of the screaming that happens when he's in pain, the drooling, bubbles and the fact that my knuckles on my pointer finger seem to be the best thing in the world right now to be in his mouth. The other, I think I might see a bump on the bottom of his mouth in the gumline, and he's been going at his pacifier pretty hard as well. So, time will tell if they are teething or not, but a suggestion for those who might be in the same predicament as I am, where the babies are too young for teething toys, I've found that if you run water on the chewy part of the nipple and stick it in the fridge, if you have several that you can rotate out that seems to be helping mine quite a bit. They both spit out the pacifier quite a bit, but it's the only thing other than my finger that I can guarantee will at least have a chance of staying in their mouths for any length of time. And the screaming begins again, time to switch the pacifiers out! :)

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