Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Boldly Going Where (This) Mommy Has Never Gone Before!

I am taking the jump into cloth diapers, and I honestly have little idea what I am doing. I have asked several people for advice, and I plan on sharing my adventures. I have no idea if cloth diapering twins will be the same as having just one baby, I know it will mean more laundry, but I am prepared for that to not use so many disposable diapers. Because of the laundry, and living in an apartment, I just purchased a portable washing machine that attaches to the faucet. I'll have to make sure to review that after I get to use it.

Here is what I am hoping to start out with: pocket diapers, and all-in-two diapers. I had purchased some pocket diapers, and while my first go-round had very mixed results, that might be that I tried some cheap china diapers. I have disposable back-ups at the ready, so until I get this cloth thing down, I do have something to fall back on.

I reached out to a cloth diapering community via Facebook, and this is what I wrote:
"Hi, so I am starting to try cloth diapers and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I have twin boys and they're both on the extremely slender side (while they're heights are about average, they're weights are the 2nd and 3rd percentiles). The diapers that I got don't seem to fit around the legs and I'm running out of size 1 disposable diapers and would like to make the transition to cloth. Are there any brands/sizes that anyone could recommend for skinny-legged babies who are about 10 lbs currently? Any help would be appreciated, I really hope to dive into the cloth diaper world! Thank you so much in advance!"
The responses I got were amazing, some of the recommendations were AppleCheeks, Charlie Banana, Rumparooz, AMP, Soft Bums, BestBottom and Thirsties. I am hoping to be able to try at least several of these, I also am going to be trying Kawaii along with the cheap diapers I have received. I will post more once I have actually gotten to test them, juggling twins that are both acting like they're teething means not much computer time. :)

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