Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mega Mesh Premium Magnetic Screen Door Review

Super, super easy instillation. I wanted to wait a little bit to write my review to see how well this held up. So far, I haven't had any issues whatsoever. This is the peak season for me to test this out, there are bugs, bugs, and even MORE bugs. The dillema is I like to save a little money on heating and cooling, and in the summertime I like to have my windows open, and my doors. The amount of time it takes to go through a door, opening it and closing it, can let in more flies and bugs than I would like.

Installation: It's really quite simple, you just use thumb tacks to keep it up. I suggest using a few nails just for extra protection, that is what I personally did. Make sure to read the instructions though, I found that they were quite simple (or at least simple enough that I could do this by myself). I would suggest cleaning the door frame for any substances (I would say just dust but in my house, with twins, who knows what all is where).

Durability: I have twin boys, so they aren't the gentlest on things. It seems one of their motto's is "full speed ahead" while the other likes to pick at things. This has withstood both of them. I love that I can shoulder this while holding one (or even both!) of them and not have to worry about this getting banged up.

Ease of Use: Definitely a 5/5, as mentioned earlier, I am able to go through this hands free. It has always closed shut behind me (or whoever is going through it), which is a blessing since I usually have my hands full. One less door to shut, whether it because of me or them, is always a blessing.

You can find this magnetic screen door on their website HERE or Amazon HERE.

Disclaimer: I did receive this for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.


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